What's up Blog,
My group is having a really hard time scheduling times outside of school to fil because we are all really busy during this time of year. We have decided our locations are going to be at our school and our team member's, Paola, house.

We want our main character to portray this perfect life with color psychology. There isn't really a color to portray privilege but we thought a perfectly pink room with medals and accolades of all things Margo has had the privilege of doing would convey that she has the ability to only focus on school and building her resume to get into a good college. We want all things to be pink except for her clothes and the backpack that she is taking with her.

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Our school which we cannot really control the color scheme will have to taken to our advantage sine it is grey it can mean that school for Margo is bleak and dull with no meaning, she no longer wants to be a perfect daughter.


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